More fruit in the ground
This morning I made three barrels of leaf compost from the brush. There’s still a lot of it left.. I also spotted a juvenile rabbit in the yard. A few […]
This morning I made three barrels of leaf compost from the brush. There’s still a lot of it left.. I also spotted a juvenile rabbit in the yard. A few […]
Shoulder was feeling a little better but not 100%. So I made two barrels of leaf clippings from the brush. Inaugural campfire tonight. It smelled great.
Going to be on light yard work for the next few days. Interior part of my right shoulder has a burning pain. I’ve probably overworked it. I think I aggravated […]
Finally got around to planting one of the three fruit trees that I bought. I wanted to put them in the sunny zone near the vegetables, and admitted I was […]
Today was a long day of yard work. I had a lot of fun, as usual. First order of business was tidying up brush from the cut trees. I spent […]
Tonight I was able, with the neighbor’s help, to take down the last of the willow tree. He made a small cut and I pulled it down with rope. It […]