I finally put the apricot tree in the ground today. When I came home, it started to rain, but I started digging any way. I chose a spot next to the strawberries, quite close to the house.

I will be controlling the tree’s growth next year; for now, I want it to grow and settle in as best as possible. I am also hoping it will provide a bit more privacy for the bathroom windows. I am not going to try and train any of the existing branches sidways; instead, I will train new growth to grow in the directions I wish.
I used my last bag of cedar mulch and laid it over the ground. I hope to stimulate fungal growth to provide nutrients for the tree. The willow stumps make good dividers, although they’re starting to sprout (which I find amazing.)
In my daily survey of the yard, I noticed something was missing. Did one of the plants die? Nope. Just eaten.

Will have to keep an eye out for the rabbits and track where they’re hiding and where they’re coming in.
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