This evening I raked up the leaf piles and deposited them behind the shed. They’re quite wet so I’m counting on them to decompose rather quickly. At this point I don’t really care if there are going to be mice behind the shed. I have plans for them later.

On the dead grass I distributed clover seeds, and covered it all with a thin layer of grass clippings. My hope is that in a few weeks, clover will take over this area and begin to add nutrients to the ground, as well as block out other weeds.
Since the mice were coming in under the fence, my plan is to put mint (or lavender, something less invasive perhaps) all along the fence to deter them from coming through. That way I don’t have to worry about every single nook and cranny. For each section of fense I envision two aromatic plants.
Transplanting out of the shade
I had set up a “walking garden” in the sunny patch, just for fun, and tonight I went and transplanted vegetables into it. On the layer of grass clippings I laid out the other day I dumped compost, and transplanted directly into that, with another layer of grass clippings over.

The basil I planted in April had barely grown, so I expect it will do much better with all the sunlight. Also some of the tomatoes have grown a bit funky. I need to stake them ASAP.
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