Almost done creating a fruit zone

Today was a long day of yard work. I had a lot of fun, as usual. First order of business was tidying up brush from the cut trees. I spent an hour stripping branches and snipping up “green” growth. As usual the willow branches stacked themselves very nicely due to their wavy shape; the other tree clippings, the kinds of trees which are valued for their long, straight branches, took up way more space due to their stiff cellular patterns.

Here’s where I stack brush, and the barrel I use. My cat was only briefly amused by the brush pile. It probably was too smelly for him to nestle in.


These are going to make perfect tomato stakes because I will be able to easily wrap twine around the nodules.

The “fruit tree corner” before cleanup. Notice the four-foot-high tree stumps still need to be cut.

Garden beds are much happier with more light. I intend to plant fruit trees in the corner. This is the “Before” photo.

I used the chainsaw to cut through the big heavy logs to make smaller logs. I have my first log pile, yay! I quickly found the chainsaw technique was simply to let the weight of the tool cut through the log.

By the way, the inside of a willow tree smells like bile. If you ever wanted to know.

I think if I ever want these to dry out that I need to put them on pavement or on the stone patio.


Fruit-tree-corner after. I dragged out a LOT of brush. There are three brush piles for me to process, but the fruit corner area is nice and sunny now. However, there is a branch from the tree in the front yard that is casting a creeping shadow. I trimmed that after I took this photo.

The willow stumps are hogging the nice spots. And I’m sure they’ll be back in a few weeks. I like to use logs decoratively and create spaces.

Garden Beds update

The pea and clover cover bed is coming along great.

Go peas, go!

The serviceberry is showing new growth, despite being completely shaded. I will move this to the fruit corner, as its fruits are edible.

The dill is having a great time.


Veggies seem to be finding their roots and bringing in nutrients.


Both potato plants are in. I trimmed away flowers from the tomatoes to encourage them to grow.

What’s happening tomorrow? I am going to try and help the roses in the front yard, which are getting marauded by pests. I bought some anti-beetle bushes and herbs; there is a large evergreen bush which I am going to completely cut away, I think bugs enjoy living in there, and also a large bush between the roses clogs airflow.

Creative Commons License
Almost done creating a fruit zone by mehron is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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