Logs for small-scale hugelkultur beds
Finally, through digital networking, I was able to locate someone in the area with a huge freshly cut pile of logs from a black locust tree. After two trips in […]
Finally, through digital networking, I was able to locate someone in the area with a huge freshly cut pile of logs from a black locust tree. After two trips in […]
I thought it would be a fun experiment to try and preserve tomatoes through brining (salty water). So I boiled up (way too much) water to dechlorinate it, and gave […]
Two weeks passed since I started my first kombucha jar. I ended up buying heating pads that add just enough heat to keep the jar(s) at 84 F, the optimal […]
Squirrels are everywhere. They’re digging up my gardens, and everyone’s lawns. In this city, where they lack any real predators (foxes, owls, raptors), they are absurdly abundant. I attempted to […]
I was inspecting the front yard to see if any more volunteer roses popped up when I found the body of a wild rabbit under a bush. The rabbit looked […]
I’ve seen these beautiful purple flowers growing outside of an art museum in town. Turns out there is a historical museum that grows them in a small conservatory garden. They […]
Collected close to six pounds of tomatoes. The temps hit 0 Celcius this morning so I scrambled to collect as many tomatoes as possible.
I heard the unmistakeable chittering of a mole in pain, so I hopped outside to find my cat had cornered the mole near a log. Got some of the cat-mole […]
The soil around the iris patch is bare, and the roots are exposed — as they should be. However, I don’t feel the irises are providing much aesthetic value to […]
I didn’t plant it. It doesn’t match the color of the roses already growing. I’m very happy. I’m going to let it grow wild and not prune it at all. […]