Tomato frames and mushroom plugs

The rains continued today, so I took the opportunity during the afternoon break to set up frames for the last, unruly tomato bed. These plants have been growing and getting tangled, especially a plant I’m calling the “spaghetti pepper,” whose limbs were so tangled it looked like spaghetti.

Unfortunately this was my fault since I did not properly maintain good tomato discipline. Today I also cut back a number of branches and leaves so air could circulate more freely at the base of the plants.

Midsummer yard overview. Just behind the melon patch is the latest trellis frame for tomatoes.

Mushroom plugs

I took the opportunity to drill in to two good-sized logs and a smaller log, and plugged the larger two with four rows of Piopinno mushroom. The wax was messy to get going. 4 rows of plugs spaced 4 inches apart, and each row is 2 inches apart.

The Halloween logs are ready!
Creative Commons License
Tomato frames and mushroom plugs by mehron is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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