Li Jujube Shanxi Jujube Heirloom apple Plum Pomegranate Five tayberry bushes I am very excited. Last year’s peach, apricot, and pear are all blooming.

Very simple to make and you’ll have pancakes in half an hour. This recipe makes about 12 pancakes. There is plenty of room for flavor variation in this recipe. The […]

I ordered some bare-root trees from Trees of Antiquity. They sell organic plants, which I like. So far, I’ve ordered: – persimmon tree (arrived and planted) – tayberry plants (arrived) […]

“Booch” Got my kombucha back on track. I was sad to have to restart both my jars but that’s what I get for not tightly controlling the environment. My latest […]

No-knead whole wheat bread recipe

This recipe is super simple. The bread comes out with an awesome crust and the inside is spongy, with a natural and earthy taste. All for extremely low effort. I […]

Moments like these are really special to me. I love to feel a gentle snowfall. Everything goes really quiet.