A weekend of planting, pt 1
Six bare-root grape vines arrived Friday along with an heirloom apple tree and an Osborne Prolific fig. Six grape vines are too many for me, but they were at a […]

Hugel-mound is showing signs of life
The wood pile with leaves and soil on top (in the style of hugelkulture as it’s not very tall) is showing signs of life. The seeds I cast a few […]
A Visit to Long Creek Homestead nursery
I visited Michael Judd’s homestead nursery today, nestled in the woods near Gambrill State Park. I arrived in the early afternoon, in the peaceful serenity of a sunlit, warm spring […]
I got to meet a permaculture author, woo
Michael Judd, author of “Edible Landscaping: Have Your Yard and Eat it Too“, gave a presentation yesterday (Apr 11) at the Frederick Public Library on permaculture principles, what grows well, […]
Another vole goes to the dirt patch in the sky
I stumbled upon a vole in the yard today that had died somehow. It looked in peaceful repose. I think my cat got the best of it. I gave it […]

New batches of fermented veggies
I crushed up another batch of vegetables for fermentation, in the style of kimchi, but without the spice: green cabbage beets carrots green onions ginger shredded daikon radish I also […]
Wash and prep store-bought plants for the garden
It was inevitable that, while shopping for plants, some containers had fertilizer pellets added. I have learned through observation that chemical fertilizers eventually make plants extremely sick. I don’t want […]
Lessons from starting plants from seed
I set up some seed trays this spring to get the full experience of trying to grow my own plants from seed. I’ve learned a few things over the past […]