I set logs in strategic places in the yard, where the log would either help soil to build up by catching leaf debris, or where a log would slow water down to reduce erosion. I’ve uploaded select photos here. My goal is to have a “natural” look to the yard, which will be as beautiful as it is bountiful.
I made two very small log piles, which will be test beds for next spring. I will cover them with grass and leaves, and then good composted leaves (almost at soil stage).
Water running downhill will stop by this pile, which also rests in a natural ground depression. It will also help water the tree, which is currently planted in clay.
Slowing down water that is traveling downhill (towards the fence) will help catch debris (build soil) and also slow down erosion. Unfortunately the soil eroded between the beds, also because I decided to kill the grass, which was a bad idea to begin with.
I put logs in the path of water between the other two beds. A log at the corner will minimize nutrients leaking out of the bottom of the raised beds. A log in the middle will help keep things hydrated, generally.
I put a log down at the base of the fruit tree, nestled among the marigolds. There is already a log running perpendicular to the fence near the tree. As for the flowers, in real life, these marigolds are all one neon shade of orange, but the camera interprets them in different colors (probably to automatically make photos “look better”)In the lower right section of the photo, I put two triangular slices of fresh wood on each other to make a second seat. It’s quite stable and I hope there will be two people sitting here at some point, one on each stump.
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