August 2018

A wooden bowl of tomatoes, clippings of kale and basil are beside it.

A nice gathering of tomatoes, kale, and basil. I like to leave the tomatoes on the vine a bit longer until they’re perfectly ripe.

Harlequin Beetles are Here

Something’s been eating the kale and cabbage. And there have been these mellow, small orange bugs hanging out. Today, after some quick research, discovered that Harlequin beetles have moved in.

Bugs I discovered lots of june beetle husks by the big mulberry, and I pretty much find them all over the yard, but mainly near the big tree. Randomly I’ll […]

Big growth spurt

While I was away, my friend reported there was a lot of rain. I thought, “Great! Didn’t have to water the yard.” But little did I imagine I would come […]