Small scale hugelkultur beds in progress
The neighbors have generously been giving me their leaves from their yards, so I’ve put them to use. I dumped several barrels of leaves over the various large starter logs, […]
The neighbors have generously been giving me their leaves from their yards, so I’ve put them to use. I dumped several barrels of leaves over the various large starter logs, […]
It turns out the napa cabbage and carrot that I set to ferment was a success. I tried some and it was/is delicious. The remainder of the veggies are sitting […]
The first snow was the week before Thanksgiving (hasn’t snowed since then), and the first hard frost was Tues. Dec 11. Current projects: Piling up leaves where I want new […]
I don’t want to produce ANY food waste. Cooked or otherwise. Yet it happens anyway, even with careful portions. Friends come over and visit, or I forget about meals I’ve […]
I scrapped my big jar of lacto-fermented tomatoes (contents only, I kept the jar and sanitized it). It was my first project and I think I ended up contaminating it. […]
I pulled up the landscaping fabric in the large front bed. Nothing interesting is able to grow in the front beds except for where there are cut holes in the […]
I’ve laid down thick layers of leaves around the fig to protect the soil and the plant’s roots. I’m starting to pile on more leaves in the spaces between its […]
I set logs in strategic places in the yard, where the log would either help soil to build up by catching leaf debris, or where a log would slow water […]
Finally, through digital networking, I was able to locate someone in the area with a huge freshly cut pile of logs from a black locust tree. After two trips in […]
I thought it would be a fun experiment to try and preserve tomatoes through brining (salty water). So I boiled up (way too much) water to dechlorinate it, and gave […]