Midwinter fermentation update


Got my kombucha back on track. I was sad to have to restart both my jars but that’s what I get for not tightly controlling the environment. My latest batch of kombucha has the “good” feeling back in it when I drink it (and has a beautiful sultry rose color), though it’s a bit vinegary. I have not been leaving old SCOBYs in the jars, even though other brewers say it’s fine to leave them in.

I am now completely covering my kombucha jars to block UV rays, which otherwise would kill beneficial organisms, and I am ensuring they maintain proper temperature. I am not handling SCOBYs with my bare hands, instead I am now using tongs.


My latest batch of fermented vegetables was a great success — beets, cabbage, carrots, ginger, and green onions. The fermented veggies have a nice tart taste and my gut feels very happy when I eat it. The jar itself does not have a strong smell of any kind. I have established a consistent pattern of fermented veggie prep, so I can reliably produce batches.

Creative Commons License
Midwinter fermentation update by mehron is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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