Interesting observations that make me happy:
- Last year’s buckwheat and barley are coming up
- This is very exciting because I cast them in the “worst” part of the yard (bad-looking soil in a shady part of the yard next to a tree) and they’ve started
- Logs from the cut willow tree are sprouting new branches
- This is good because the tree roots will help break up the ground, anchor moisture, and serve as living stakes that I can use to support other plants
- There are beautiful patches of flowering plants in the yard(s)
- Flowering bulbs are coming up in good places
- Found a large piece of log buried in the ground where I wanted to plant a tree — that’ll help give food to the new tree over the coming years
Interesting observations that I’m not too happy about but I recognize it’s part of life:
- Birds ate ALL the seeds that I cast in the front yard (clover for ground cover, flower seeds for beauty)
- Squirrels tore up the garden where I had pulled up landscaping fabric, they ate all the buried seeds, including a few that were sprouting. I came home the day after pulling out the fabric and there were upturned piles of sod on the ground
- Birds and squirrels took about 30-40% of the leaves over the past few months. The soil in certain areas of the yard where I cast leaves will not have the soil built up as fast because wildlife have taken them for nesting materials

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