Whole wheat vegan pancakes

Very simple to make and you’ll have pancakes in half an hour. This recipe makes about 12 pancakes. There is plenty of room for flavor variation in this recipe. The base ingredients are in bold. I adapted this recipe from Laurel’s Kitchen.

Egg replacement:

  • Take 2 tbs of chia seeds and whisk them in a cup with about 3-4 tbs of water. I have a battery-powered latte whip which works great for this. Use a small whisk if you don’t have an electric one. Whisk for a few minutes. The surface of the mixture will become glossy and the consistency will start to be like pudding. Stop there and let it rest for a few minutes and it will become dense (like cooked oatmeal) on its own. Easy egg replacer you can use in almost any baking context.

Pancake topping (compote):

  • Chop up some fruit and heat it in a small pot without any added oil or sweetener, on low-medium heat. If the fruit gets dry (you cooked all the water off), add some water. It’s done when the fruit can be easily mashed with a fork. No need to cook it until it’s a puree.
    • Apples, peaches, pears, cherries, berries, all make good compote ingredients
    • Avoid dried fruit for this

Ingredients (make sure you buy organic):


  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp table salt
  • 1 tbs sugar (optional if you want to cut back on sweet)
  • 1/2 cup chopped nuts like walnuts, almonds, pepitas, almost any kind (peanuts probably won’t taste good in these)
  • spices, any of:
    • 1/2 tsp+ cinnamon, or
    • nutmeg, cardamom, clove powder (use cloves sparingly)


  • 2 cups any kind of milk (flax, coconut, soy, almond, etc)
  • 1 tbs olive oil (it tastes the best of all oils for this recipe)
  • 1/4 tsp any kind of extract (coconut extract or almond extract are good choices)
  • fresh fruit, diced small (do not use dried fruit), any of:
    • 1/4 cup hydrated figs, or
    • 1/2 an apple, or
    • 3/4 cup blueberries, or
    • a banana


  • Put all the dry ingredients together. Add on the milk and then the rest of the wet ingredients. This pattern only uses one bowl.
  • Mix everything, including the chia egg-replacer subsitute. Overmixing this recipe doesn’t seem to affect the outcome either way.
  • Trick for adding honey: First add in the olive oil. Then measure and add the honey with the same tablespoon. The honey won’t stick to the tablespoon because of the oil.


  1. Heat up a frying pan to medium heat, with 1 tbs of olive oil in it
  2. Wait until the oil is hot (test with water drops) to add batter. Otherwise the first batch of pancakes will not be as crispy as the next batch
  3. Two spoonfuls of batter per pancake (1/3 cup approximately). 3 pancakes per batch
  4. Cook pancakes until golden on both sides. Add a little extra olive oil to the pan if your oil cooks off and the pancakes aren’t toasted-looking. The oil is what browns it.
  5. Enjoy with your fruit compote, or your favorite organic syrup.

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