Today I got a lot done. I had a few projects:
- Finish mowing, for which my immediate neighbor lent me his mower
- Excavate all the rubber from the play area
- Put in another garden box

Digging out the play area

Play area “after.” I found that around the perimiter of the area, they had installed a low plastic barrier. I pulled it out of the ground using a big tool. All in all, it took six contractor disposal bags to clean up the rubber. I dug around the perimiter of the play area and brought up grass that had grown its roots around pieces of rubber, which added to the waste but I felt it was worth it.
I uncovered tree roots in this area. One had some rot and did not look to be in good shape. I uncovered a few more tree roots, and accidentally chipped them in the process.

I think this area will be good for planting fruit trees. My goal is to rebuild the soil, encourage moisture retention, and build nutrients on top of it so that earthworms get motivated to come and aerate the soil. This will probably be a project that will take all year, since the ground is hard and unyielding.
I placed cardboard around the perimiter, with cut grass underneath, I hope this will serve as a good anti-grass barrier. Of course there is the issue that a number of seeds made it in with the grass clippings. Remains to be seen. I am going to cover the top with soil and other green mulch.
Overall I am happy with this area. I don’t know what to call it. It was tough work clearing out the rubber but I hope it will contribute to the health of the tree and become a very interesting place of prosperity and growth.
Retrospective edit: There is not enough light to support a small tree here under the large tree.
Third Bed

Prepping the third bed. I stuck cardboard underneath since I forgot to account for any anti-grass strategy. In the bed currently is rotting grass. I found a barrel around the side of the house that the previous owners had filled a few weeks ago with grass cuttings.
The cuttings have retained moisture. I’m encouraged as I had some trash bags smothering grass for a few days in a corner, and when I moved the bags, earthworms were present, so I have high hopes the worms will come to this area once I finish creating the bed.
This time around I don’t plan to really use mulch. I am just going to fill it with several bags of soil. The mulch adds a funky texture and I don’t want my plants to be fighting for nutrients. I’ll place grass clippings on top of my plantings for “mulch” and maybe put wood chips around the box.
Retrospective edit: After two weeks, the soil got compacted by rain. I need to figure out some way to keep it soft. However, the carboard has worked to keep grass away.
Behind the shed

Behind the shed are mostly stones. And leftover flagstones from building the patio. I want this place to be lush with growth, so I am going to dig out the stones, possibly use them to create rabbit barriers, and drop cover crops here.
This afternoon I sprang for a battery-powered mower. I purchased a push mower the other day but there is so much yard, the push mower keeps dragging and doesn’t seem to cut well. I hope the electric mower is worth it. Supposedly it’s quiet. I’ll find out soon enough.
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